Berlin 05.12.2009 – 10.01.2010
Join “Zeigen. An Audio Tour through Berlin”
by Karin Sander, Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin, Schlossfreiheit 1, Schlossplatz, 10178 Berlin, Opening Reception: Friday December 4, 2009, 9 p.m. (free entrance)

Rumors Mix © 2009 Ralf Schmitt
In the extensive exhibition Zeigen. An Audio Tour through Berlin, conceptual artist Karin Sander brings together works by 566 Berlin-based artists at Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin, offering an unusual insight into current artistic production in the city.
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Frankfurt/M 23.01. – 29.03.2009
Join “Another Fairy Tale Vol. 6”
by ULTRA ART FAIR UNLIMITED, Kunstverein Familie Montez e.V., Breite Gasse 24, 60311 Frankfurt, Opening Reception: Friday January 23, 2009, 7 p.m.

Who will prevail in the bitter fighting among the various camps? The ultraconservative wing of the UAF, the high modernists, or even the “Höchst Circle”, as has been learned from a recent leak?
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